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Earthquake Ground Shaking and its Potential Effects in the San Francisco Bay Region for a Repeat of the Great 1906 Earthquake |
Part 1: (18 slides, 4.5 minutes) 1906 and 1989 Earthquake Damage |
Part 2: (9 slides, 3.9 minutes) Application of GIS Technology |
Part 3: (14 slides, 6.6 minutes) Earthquake Ground Shaking Maps for the San Francisco Bay Region |
Slide Index |
presented by Roger D. Borcherdt, Gary Glassmoyer, and Carl Wentworth |
Maps of strong ground shaking are the basis for earthquake loss estimation and resulting hazard mitigation efforts. Modern Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide a powerful tool for integrating data on active faults, seismicity, tectonic setting, surficial geology, hydrology, fault rupture characteristics, and ground motion models in preparing such maps. This information from the earth sciences is combined with that from the built environment and the social sciences to infer earthquake losses. A repeat of the Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake could cause 8,000 deaths and 225 billion dollars in property losses. |
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e-mail: glassmoyer@usgs.gov
or address:
Gary Glassmoyer
345 Middlefield Road M/S 977
Menlo Park, California 94025