XHR2 Harris Ranch (now a motorcycle park) In June 2004, the meter broke because the conduit housing the invar wire caved-in. Meter has been abandoned. In August 2009, instrument conduit was repair; new data now is called xhr3 For more information, please consult: Open-File Report 2024-1011, “Summary of Creepmeter Data from 1980 to 2020—Measurements Spanning the Hayward, Calaveras, and San Andreas Faults in Northern and Central California” https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/ofr20241011 and Open File Report 89–650, "Catalog of creepmeter measurements in California from 1966 through 1988" https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/ofr89650 Many people have contributed to this project including: Roger Bilham Robert Burford Sandy Schulz Andy Snyder Kate Breckinridge Todd Erickson Rich Liechti Vince Keller