X461 Highway 46 creepmeter Site defunct as of 12/11/16; wire broken/conduit caved; cannot be remediated - even minor ground disturbance not allowed in ranch mitigation area; influence by rainfall....Beware!! Times of offsets: N 201402202245 New DCP and telemetry amp board; scale factor changed N 201411120700 Wire broke - zero lost (AS) N 201504020000 Wire replaced after being broken for 5 months, zero lost (JOL) For more information, please consult: Open-File Report 2024-1011, “Summary of Creepmeter Data from 1980 to 2020—Measurements Spanning the Hayward, Calaveras, and San Andreas Faults in Northern and Central California” https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/ofr20241011 and Open File Report 89–650, "Catalog of creepmeter measurements in California from 1966 through 1988" https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/ofr89650 Many people have contributed to this project including: Roger Bilham Robert Burford Sandy Schulz Andy Snyder Kate Breckinridge Todd Erickson Rich Liechti Vince Keller John Langbein For questions, contact John Langbein (langbein@usgs.gov)