CWN1 Cienegia Winery Drift between micrometer and electronic telemetried data may be due to potentiometer problem. June 4, 2003; site visit; tighten bolts holding 'Pacific plate' anchor; may have displaced instrument by 2 mm as revealed by telemetry; Micrometer measurements were not recorded to cover possible offset; JL used telemetry results to infer micrometer reading. Oct 5, 2004: Noted that bolts securing creepmeter to 'Pacific plate' had sheared. Mar 9, 2005; Replaced bolts and reattached creepmeter to 'Pacific Plate'. Inference is that data between Mid Aug, 2003 and March 9, 2005 are bad and are deleted. May 2008 swap-out electronics and DCP for a new version; Telemetry voltage range still 0-5v with Cal-Tech potentiometer setup; scale factor is now 134 counts(mv) per mm fault slip (creep). April 20, 2012 -- Noticed that creepmeter was "bumped" by Winery operations and shaft was bent; Site visit removed bend but may have created an artifical offset in the micrometer data. March 19, 2013 -- Rod had to be replaced, but may have created an artifical offset in the micrometer data. Feb 16, 2022 -- removed original poteniometer sensor and replaced with a LVDT with a 1/2 inch range. N 201401232240 Rod reset (AS) N 201504212130 Ditto N 201611012140 Rod reset (AS) N 201711080050 Rod reset (AS/TE) N 201711080100 Rod reset (AS/TE) N 2020j2472215 Rod reset and Change resolution and timing interval N 2020j2632230 site visit to fix grounding problem N 202201282300 site visit N 2022j0341800 site visit to repair broken bolts N 2022j0472110 site visit to change sensor from poteniometer to lvdt N 202202232000 site visit to change lvdt N 2022j0571800 site visit to improve temperature compensation N 2022j0891930 site visit to improve temperature compensation Interval July 1 2013 to Feb 16, 2022 -- Rescaled telemetry data of creep to better match the micrometer measurements -- This assumes that the calibration changed over time, but with the aperiodic micrometer measurements, that serves as a means to re-calibrate the resistive sensor. CWC3 Creepmeter is more or less unreliable since 2000; bolts holding the creepmeter to floor have stripped. For more information, please consult: Open-File Report 2024-1011, “Summary of Creepmeter Data from 1980 to 2020—Measurements Spanning the Hayward, Calaveras, and San Andreas Faults in Northern and Central California” and Open File Report 89–650, "Catalog of creepmeter measurements in California from 1966 through 1988" Many people have contributed to this project including: Roger Bilham Robert Burford Sandy Schulz Andy Snyder Kate Breckinridge Todd Erickson Rich Liechti Vince Keller