CRR1 Carr Ranch creepmeter Site defunct since 5/10/15 due to wire binding/conduit caved due to fault offset; remediated Feb. 2018; Has "CalTech" style electronics Sensor failed on Feb 10 1998; sensor removed. Change in scale factor in 1998 To reconcile micrometer and telemetry data, the telemetry data from Dec 2, 1999 through Feb 21, 2000 was deleted and 5.9 mm of "slip" was added to the telemetry data to match (approximately) the micrometer measurements. Telemetry data from Dec 2, 1999 through Feb 21, 2000 appeared noisy; notes about apparent solution were either not made or lost. 2004 Parkfield (Sept 28) 'pegged' the creepmeter; loosen wire at creepmeter and let 35 mm of wire slide to get a micrometer measurement of 25.1mm April 2007 DCP was swapped out for new one; electronics remain the same as output is 0 to 1 volt. Scale factor change of ratio 1000/409.6 Scale factor is now 146.6 counts(mv) per mm fault slip (creep). Times of possible offsets: N 201402120040 Wire Reset N 201505132000 Ditto S N 201505132010 Ditto N 201506101920 Potentiometer reset (AS) N 201506141850 Ditto Site completely failed March 2017; More likely, it stopped recording creep in 2014 For more information, please consult: Open-File Report 2024-1011, “Summary of Creepmeter Data from 1980 to 2020—Measurements Spanning the Hayward, Calaveras, and San Andreas Faults in Northern and Central California” and Open File Report 89–650, "Catalog of creepmeter measurements in California from 1966 through 1988" Many people have contributed to this project including: Roger Bilham Robert Burford Sandy Schulz Andy Snyder Kate Breckinridge Todd Erickson Rich Liechti Vince Keller John Langbein For questions, contact John Langbein (