cpp1 Samping interval decreased from 10 minutes to 1 minute in early 2020; The 10-minute data file reflects this change in sampling rate. Note that, perhaps around 2015, the data has become noisy due to the long, 100-m buried signal cable between the creepmeter and the telemetry. Various treatments of the data have been attempted to minimize the noise; the best solution is to move the telemetry closer to the creepmeter, but as of Aug 2022, that has not been done. Instead, many of the periods of high noise have been deleted from the data provided in this archive. Oct 10, 2009 -- replaced LVDT Jan 1, 2020 --- Install carbon fiber rod Jan 22, 2020 -- change sample interval from 10 min to 1 min Jul 7, 2020 --- Replace LVDT Offsets: N 2009j2932120 replace LVDT N 201001072100 Replace LVDT battery and fixed threaded stock that holds lvdt core N 201312261950 Rewire 12 volt power; lvdt now runs off of DCP power instead of seperate battery power N 201407232350 Rewire 12 volt power -- new solar regulator and add rupture meter N 201408061850 site visit; mechanically reset lvdt N 201410271900 Install 15 Volt regulator for powering creep electronic -- Mitigates problem of 100 meter wire between power and creepmeter N 2016j3431450 grounding issue? N 2016j3451900 grounding issue? N 201809131440 rewired to exclude on-board inverted in vault; Added more ground returns; output now 1 to 6 volts; sutron will clip at 5 volts. (JOL) N 201811122200 Insert DC-DC inverter to replace the 15 volt regulator that was removed 20180913 N 2019j3422210 site visit; replaced rupture meter; lvdt now powered from vault rather than dcp N 202001012230 Site visit; attach lvdt to new carbon fibre rod N 2020j0451720 Unknown offset... why? N 2020j0521820 Unknown offset... compensates for offset on doy 45 N 202007051500 site visit N 202007071530 site visit; changed lvdt core, change grounding N 2020j1000000 bimodal noise N 2020j0870915 N 2022j1961755 site visit TLE For more information, please consult: Open-File Report 2024-1011, “Summary of Creepmeter Data from 1980 to 2020—Measurements Spanning the Hayward, Calaveras, and San Andreas Faults in Northern and Central California” https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/ofr20241011 and Open File Report 89–650, "Catalog of creepmeter measurements in California from 1966 through 1988" https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/ofr89650 Many people have contributed to this project including: Roger Bilham Robert Burford Sandy Schulz Andy Snyder Kate Breckinridge Todd Erickson Rich Liechti Vince Keller