U.S. Geological Survey       National Strong-Motion Program

Event Name: Satsop, Washington Earthquake
Event Date: 07/03/1999 01:43 UTC (07/02/1999 06:43 pm PDT)
Event Identification: 19990703_1
Recorder Type: SMA-1, SSA-1, SSA-2, ETNA, K2

Data Organization and Format ||  Downloads ||  Tables (updated 06/12/2001)

Data Organization and Format

The July 3, 1999, 01:43 UTC Mw 5.8 Satsop, Washington Earthquake data recorded by the USGS National Strong-Motion Network (NSMN) are available via the NSMP ftp server in the folder (directory) "19990703_1" (https://ca.water.usgs.gov/nsmp/19990703_1).  Data from a variety of  recorders can be downloaded.  The time series provided are available in uncorrected acceleration, corrected acceleration, corrected velocity, corrected displacement, response spectra (relative displacement, relative velocity, pseudo-velocity, and absolute acceleration), and Fourier amplitude spectra of corrected acceleration.  All of the data are in SMC format.

In a departure from previous file-naming conventions (where for a particular channel the different the time series data all had the same filename, and thus required separate directories for each data type), the file names for the Satsop data have the following form:

uncorrected acceleration: RRRRc_u.smc
corrected acceleration: RRRRc_a.smc
corrected velocity: RRRRc_v.smc
corrected displacement RRRRc_d.smc
response spectra: RRRRc_r.rs2
Fourier amplitude spectra (f): RRRRc_f.fs1

where 'RRRR' is the four-digit recorder serial number (including leading 0's), 'c' is the channel number of the recorder ('a' corresponds to channel 1, 'b' to channel 2 , etc), the '_x' is used to identify the data type, and the suffix refers to the data format (rs2 and fs1 are valid SMC format types recognized by the BAP processing program.

The data are stored in two directories: uncorrected (only uncorrected acceleration) and corrected (all of the corrected and processed data, including acceleration, velocity, displacement, response spectra and Fourier amplitude spectra. This convention for organizing the data was implemented to avoid confusion between the directory names (Vol1, Vol2, … Vol6) previously used for some earlier events and the standard conventions for Volume1, Volume2 and Volume 3 processing.

Currently the uncorrected data for all of the records obtained by the USGS for the Satsop earthquake are available, but corrected data are available only for selected stations. Corrected data for the remaining records will be posted as they become available. See the section on DATA PROCESSING.


To facilitate downloading the data, several subsets of the data have been compressed into PC compatible ".zip" format.  These same zip files are located in the "zips" folder in "19990703_1/" on the NSMP ftp server, "https://ca.water.usgs.gov/nsmp/19990703_1".

1999 0703 SATSOP EARTHQUAKE DOWNLOADS in ".zip" format

19990703_1_uncorr.zip uncorrected (0.6 Mb; uncompresses to 2.8 Mb)
19990703_1_corr.zip corrected (1.2 Mb; uncompresses to 3.7 Mb)


List of uncorrected peak accelerations for available time-series data (click here to obtain list as Excel spreadsheet)

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This page was posted on April 4, 2000 and updated on June 12, 2001..