USGS Earthquake Ground Shaking and its Potential Effects in the San Francisco Bay Region for a Repeat of the Great 1906 Earthquake
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Preliminary Estimates of Bridges and Airports in the Southern San Francisco
Bay Region Exposed to Mid-Period (Sa @ 1.0 sec.) Ground Shaking Levels
and Corresponding Intensities for a Repeat of the 1906 Earthquake
Sa @ 1.0s SF scale MM scale   Bridges Airports
(g) (approx.) (approx.)   No. % No. %
> 1.0 very violent X   272 25 4 25
0.6 - 1.0 strong - violent VII+ - IX   221 20 7 44
0.3 - 0.6 weak - strong VII - VII+   484 45 4 25
< 0.3 none - weak < VI+   102 9 1 6
Total     1079 100 16 100