11th United States-Japan Natural Resources Panel for Earthquake Research
November 16–18, 2016 in Napa, California, USA
In 1964 the United States and Japan established the Cooperative Program in Natural Resources to promote conservation of marine and terrestrial resources through cooperation in applied science and technology. The impetus for forming the UJNR came from the bilateral Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs which agreed that exchanging natural resources information, specialists, technical data, and research equipment would greatly benefit the economy and welfare of both countries. The UJNR is one of four research exchanges between the United States and Japan. The other three exchanges cover basic science, health/medical affairs, and social/cultural affairs. The UJNR also acts as a mechanism for implementing policies set forth by the U.S.-Japan Common Agenda and the U.S.-Japan Science and Technology Agreement. Both the United States and Japan have established vigorous national research programs in seismology, geology, and geodesy in response to the devastation caused by earthquakes. The UJNR Panel on Earthquake Research combines basic and applied research to improve our understanding of the causes and effects of earthquakes and to facilitate the transmission of research results to those who implement hazard reduction measures.
The 10th Joint Meeting (held in Sendai, Japan in October, 2014) was highly beneficial in furthering cooperation and deepening understanding of the common problems in both countries. The meeting included very productive exchanges of information on approaches to systematic observation and modeling of earthquake processes including: the earthquake cycle, episodic tremor and slow slip, strong motion prediction and seismic hazards, early warning and rapid assessment of earthquakes and tsunamis, and recent earthquakes. There was a special session highlighting what was learned from the devastating 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. In addition to the formal workshop sessions, participants also went on a field trip to see the after effects of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, and to see the measures being put in place by the Japanese government to ensure that such an incident does not happen again.
For the 11th UJNR Panel meeting, we look forward to continued cooperation on issues involving densification of observation networks, earthquake early warning, and the open exchange of data among scientific communities.
Please register for the meeting by emailing Shane Detweiler. The registration deadline is September 16. Also, please submit your presentation title (if any) to Shane by September 16. Full abstracts should be submitted no later than October 17. Abstracts can be up to four pages and may include a figure.